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    The Woman in the Mirror

    Posted By Post Buster On 4:00 PM | Under
    Elizabeth Lindell: We all bewail the annual covers -- aflame manicured women because we anguish how the adapted and airbrushed fantasy can abduct our daughters into acquisitive article unauthentic. Do we, however, accede the letters our daughters accept several times a day from us?

    How we attending on the alfresco can be a absorption of how we feel on the central -- and demography affliction of ourselves is an important amount to advise any child. I additionally anticipate it's important to own that self-doubting statements fabricated in advanced of a adolescent babe by the best affecting woman in her activity can accept abundant added of an appulse on bistro disorders and bistro ascendancy issues than accidental women in the media.

    Statements like, "I look like a whale in these pants -- now I don't know what to wear. Don't take my photo -- I look terrible! Oh, my god, I gained five pounds -- no more baking. My wrinkles make me look so angry" should be saved for conversations with girlfriends, if they must be made at all. It is damaging for your daughter to hear these self-loathing remarks and probably annoying for your husband to hear them as well. If you want your daughter to love herself and celebrate her authentic qualities she must first have a role model who does the same.

    If you're not quite in that place yet, fake it until you make it. If you don't want your teen counting calories, binging and purging or searching for a boy to make her feel like those women in the magazines, think before you speak. When you discuss exercise, talk in terms building a stronger, healthier body, instead of weight loss. When you compliment your daughter's appearance, notice the green in her eyes or the glow in her cheeks, instead of saying, "you're gorgeous!"

    Think of the woman you want your daughter to grow to be when she is your age -- confident, beautiful, self-nurturing woman who likes and knows who she is when she looks in the mirror. Does she sound familiar? If this is the reflection that greets you in your mirror each morning, your daughter will become a natural reflection of your inner beauty.